Monday, 25 February 2013

So it has become that time of year again and the final major projects begin. I am currently feeling very daunted by the freedom but I have chosen to stick to doing portraits for my project. The project is called 'People of Plymouth'. I intend to photograph people in their own environment on my route to work from Plymstock to the Townhouse Pub. I intend to have linking shots of the land/city scape these will be documenting my journey.

I have yet to take any photographs but I have been looking into the work of other environmental portrait photographers to try to grasp an idea of how I want to take my images. I now feel ready to get out and shoot so will be taking photographs of my first two subjects tomorrow. One is the cook in the Townhosue and the other is the landlady.

I feel that these pictures will have a particular meaning because although this is my current job and route to work, the pub will be closing in April. So by the time my images are viewed and exhibited the pub will be closed down and will begin to be transformed into student accommodation. These images will be documenting an end, not only to something in my life but an end to something in many other people's as well.


I was fortunate enough to assist on a photoshoot with photographer Eileen Long. The photoshoot was at Carnglaze Caverns in Cornwall. It was a brilliant day and I enjoyed walking up and down the 60+ steps over and over as I collected each group of women. I also helped to move lighting, hold coats and hard hats etc. I just like running around to be honest! The caverns themselves where rather beautiful and whenever I wasn't running around I was taking photo's of the caverns and documanting the event.